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Below are our articles on the subject of Property. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Downsizing or Moving to a Smaller Home
Downsizing or Moving to a Smaller Home
In order to downsize your life you may find that you have to move to a smaller home. This move should not be undertaken until you have thought the decision through…...
Downsizing when your Children Leave the Family Home
Downsizing when your Children Leave the Family Home
The time will come when your children leave the family home either for further education or to start their own families. Have you thought about your future life and…...
Home Maintenance as you Get Older
Home Maintenance as you Get Older
If you own your own home maintenance and home improvements can become a problem as you get older. If you are planning to downsize your life it is important that you…...
Moving House to a Cheaper Area
Moving House to a Cheaper Area
Many People when planning to downsize their lives need to release equity from their current home to fund their future years. One way to do this is by relocation to…...
Moving to Smaller Property When You Retire
Moving to Smaller Property When You Retire
When you decide to retire you may wish to move to a smaller home, this can be for many reasons but should be thought about carefully as you plan for your future....
Owning Your Home in Retirement
Owning Your Home in Retirement
For most of our adult lives we strive to pay a mortgage to be able to own our own home. Come the day you retire you have to consider whether that property we really…...
Taking in a Lodger to Help Your Cashflow
Taking in a Lodger to Help Your Cashflow
When downsizing you life there will be times when you need extra cash. Perhaps you didn’t budget as well as you could have for this major life changing venture or…...
Unable to Cope with a Large Garden
Unable to Cope with a Large Garden
When downsizing your life the size of the garden is often a big reason for deciding to move home. If you are distressed at having to leave your home because of the…...