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Making or Changing Your Will

By: Elaine Everest - Updated: 24 Dec 2010 | comments*Discuss
Making Or Changing Your Will

Everyone should make a will, not only for their own peace of mind but so that their loved ones know their final wishes have been carried out correctly. When downsizing your life your will must be changed to suit your new financial situation.

Make a Will

Do not think that making a will is something that elderly people alone are supposed to do. For anyone with property, dependents or personal possessions a will is a must so that those you leave behind will know your final wishes.

Technically you do not need to spend a lot of money producing a will. The document can be bought from a stationery outlet and completed at home. But the more bequests you have or property to distribute the more detailed the document becomes.

It is worth investing in the services of a solicitor who will draw up the legal document arrange for your signature to be witnessed and if need be administer your estate when the time comes.


Decide early on in your life what you want to happen to your property when you die. If you have a partner then most likely everything will go to them but if you do not wish this to be the case you need to state this in a will. As the family arrives your responsibilities may move to them, you may divorce or separate from your partner – all this needs to be considered and your will updated. Any change to a will is simple to carry out, your solicitor will add the changes – called a codicil – and the document will be signed and witnessed.


What will become of your children if you and your partner should die at the same time? A will drawn up correctly will safeguard their future lives until they are old enough to fend for themselves. However when you decide to downsize your life your family may be older but they still have to be considered.

It could be that you will move to a smaller home and live off the money remaining after the sale. You may decided to sell your home completely and travel the world and enjoy your alter life doing things you had only ever dreamed about. Tell your children of your plans and that it is their inheritance you are spending so that it does not come as a shock to them.


A will does not only show what you wish to be done with your possessions it also tells your final wishes with regards to your body. You may have always wanted to be buried, perhaps in a green environment without a religious ceremony. If your final wishes are not documented they cannot be carried out and you may well be cremated and your ashes kept in an urn on a shelf collecting dust. Even details such as a wake or a reception after the funeral can be documented in your will.


It is many people’s wishes that donations to charity be made from their estate when they die. If this is not shown the charity will lose out. Any donation made to a charity is exempt from tax.


You will need someone to be an executor to your will. This can be anyone; a friend or member of the family but make them aware that they are appointed to this task and who the solicitor is that is keeping your last will and testament in a safe place. You can also have more than one executor who will ensure that your last requests are carried out.

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