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Extra Income for Exotic or Adventurous Travel

By: Elaine Everest - Updated: 25 Dec 2012 | comments*Discuss
Travel Overseas Retirement Downsize

An enjoyable part of downsizing your life is to be able to have the time to travel to exotic places and have adventures that you only dreamt of while building your career.

Planning The Trip of a Lifetime

In the months leading up to the start of downsizing your life you will be able to plan your big adventure. By studying travel books, the Internet and watching television programmes you will have a very good idea of where you want to visit in the world. It may be that you will use a caravan or campervan and travel the roads of Great Britain before crossing the Channel on greater adventures. For other people an itinerary planned by travel experts is more to their taste. Whatever the choice, the planning and the calculation of the cost will be just the beginning of the journey.

Equity Release

Many people when downsizing their lives decide to use part of the value of their homes to fund their holiday of a lifetime. Whether this is a round the world cruise or backpacking in Nepal the cost should be calculated allowing extra borrowing in case of emergencies and price increases in flights etc. Once money has been drawn through an equity release scheme it may not be possible to borrow any more so travellers must be fully aware of the costs of their trip.


If your travels will take you away for more than one month it is worth considering renting out your home while you are away. Not only will this fund your travel expenses but will keep your home occupied and hopefully safe while you are gone. Use a letting agency as they will collect the rental money and ensure that your home is lived in by a responsible person.

Save Then Travel

When downsizing your life you may find that you do not have sufficient funds for exotic holidays. By taking a part time job in a supermarket or superstore that employ older people you will have an enjoyable work period that will lead to another overseas trip.

Hobbies That Pay

It may be that you have the type of hobby that produces a small income. Carpentry, sewing and knitting are skills that could be expanded to generating an income that will pay for special holidays. For those that enjoy creative writing you may find that by entering writing competitions or selling stories to magazines the sums earned will come in useful for that next sunshine break.

Working Trip

It is not just students that take gap years and work their way around the world. More often it is older people who have the time to follow their dream and see the world. There are agencies that will find you work such as grape picking in France and chalet cleaning in Switzerland that will give you time to see the country as well as earn a living.


If your family offer to throw you a retirement party or wish to celebrate a significant birthday why not ask for money or travel vouchers that will take you that bit nearer your dream of travelling to those far-away places you have only ever dreamed about?

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