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Will Working in Retirement Affect Your Lifestyle?

By: Elaine Everest - Updated: 25 Dec 2012 | comments*Discuss
Retirement Planning Employment Working

While some people decide to retire early others will carry on with their jobs long past their allotted retirement age. While there is something to be said for having a salary cheque arrive every month it is also worth thinking if your lifestyle is compromised by your work hours.

Looking Forward

Retirement planning is an important issue and should be organised many years before a retirement age come around. Will you continue with your employment and working or rely on your retirement savings and retire early? You may need advice from your financial advisor about retirement planning and your personal finances.

Loved Ones

Although you may be happy to continue to work long past your retirement age your partner and family may have had other plans. This subject should be discussed and an agreement made otherwise there will be much unhappiness in your household. Retirement planning is important to the whole family and not a private decision.

Friends and Social Life

You could be part of a social group that enjoys eating out and taking holidays together. By working you may find you do not have to time to spend as you expected to. There again, working will give you the extra money to be able to take advantage of enjoying yourself. Make a list of what time and money is needed to be part of your social circle.

Either work the hours to cover the expense or explain to your friends that you are not able to spend as much money as they do on treats and trips. True friends will understand your situation. Perhaps instead of eating out you could entertain in your home instead. Holidays could be taken off peak or with special offers. Enjoying yourself should not be about spending money but be spent with people you like.

Retirement Savings

We are always being told to prepare for our retirement years and plan ahead. However, this is not always possible and suddenly we find ourselves in later life without the financial security we had hoped for. By continuing to work past retirement it could provide that second chance of security and saving money for a rainy day.


With the cost of living rising all the time it is laudable to carry on working past your retirement age. Many retired people will now be reassessing their futures and applying for part time jobs to tide them over. This could make the market for part time workers very busy and it may become harder to find that ideal job you’ve been looking for. In these circumstances it would be prudent to continue with your full time job rather than retire.

If you are finding that working full time is becoming tiring then ask your employer to reduce your working hours. Either work less hours each day per perhaps three days per week instead of five. This would still provide an income but would also leave you with free time to take up new interests.

Your Health

We are fortunate if we can go into our retirement years and keep good health. You may have planned to so certain things when you retire. Perhaps take up a new hobby, travel or even move to another country but if our health becomes poor after working longer than expected it may be too late to enjoy those new pursuits or even start them.

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